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How To Create A New Blog – Top 4 Free Platforms For Blogging



If you are a very talented writer then it is must that you should have your own blog on the internet. Blogging is one of the easy ways to convey your ideas, suggestions and useful information to large number of people. So, creating your own blog sounds a very good idea for this but how to create a blog? Such question is very common from the people but there is something which you must know when it is about blogging and i.e. blogging platforms.

Good news about it is that some of the platforms are for free and you can use them, without investing a little amount on it. So, here are top 5 platforms which are good place to start blogging:


Previously many people don’t know the right way to publish their content on the internet. So, at that time Contentful platform was introduced and it give platform to many people who do not have any medium to convey their idea to the whole world. In this platform, servers use to store the contents and after it you can design and name it according to your will. So, this is the first option for you regarding platform and if you are looking for totally different website then this is the idol one.


If you want to make a static site then Jekyll is perfect one for it. In this platform, raw text files are taken by this platform and after it one can turn into it a static site through which one can host it whenever they like. The best thing about this website is that, you will not have technical burden regarding your blog and you can focus on your blog content and SEO. So, when someone asks you as how to create a new blog then tell them about this amazing blogging platform.


Many of you even heard the name of WordPress because it is the most famous and free platform. You can say that it is an ultimate destination for the bloggers. This site is famous because it is trustworthy plus many successful bloggers started with this website. Besides all of this, customization is available on this website plus this is self hosted website and very easy to install. Also, if you are a new comer then through this website, you can become famous.


This website is famous because of the easiness offer by it. Many blogger say’s that this is very easy to use as compared to   the other platforms. Also, the outpour offers by this website is also more than the output offer by others. Besides this, you can download the application through which your content can be easily published on it. Beside this, the services are just excellent and once you use then you will be going to love it.

So, this is all about the top four platforms as they will help you to fulfill your blogging dream and will make you a successful blogger in future. Also, from now onwards the question on “how to create a new blog?” will never bother you.