Home Thinking Aloud Rethinking The Way Companies Collaborate And Execute Business Processes

Rethinking The Way Companies Collaborate And Execute Business Processes


by Nick Candito, cofounder and Chief Executive Officer at Progressly


Companies today are hindered with difficult to use, siloed business systems that fail to simplify communication around processes and improve how businesses operate. Every year, companies lose 20 to 30 percent in revenue due to inefficiencies.

Business processes span industries, both vertical and horizontal, and can include any type of business operation. Some examples may include:

  • Automotive – managing parts and/or suppliers
  • Manufacturing – a product assembly process, a quality assurance process, a corrective/preventive maintenance process.
  • Finance – an invoicing process, a billing process, a risk management process
  • Health – a medical assessment, a drug approval
  • Banking – customer onboarding, credit check
  • HR – new employee development, a leavers process, vacation request
  • Public Sector – application for a government service
  • Compliance – a safety audit, a legal check

Executing business processes successfully is not always an easy task. There are numerous challenges that companies strive to eliminate:

  • Bottlenecks – the slowing or halting of a process at a specific stage due to a human/machine error or difficulty.
  • Duplication of work and redundancy – inefficient processes often have areas that are repeated or unnecessary.
  • Lack of visibility – management does not have a way of viewing where processes stand, what their status is, and how they are performing generally, and specifically.
  • Integration issues – process technology does not always integrate well with existing systems, causing communication gaps and malfunctions.

Rather than antiquated systems that center around document management solutions, companies need a solution that centralizes their own mission-critical information, delivers real-time operational insights and increases efficiency.

The largest impact in making your organization more productive — collaboration and execution of core business processes.

Progressly is redefining the way companies execute their processes, offering a single platform that increases efficiencies and productivity. Based in Silicon Valley, Progressly helps companies document, collaborate and analyze business processes — all in one central place. The software platform codifies business processes allowing teams to collaborate in real-time and gain insights into inefficiencies. The platform provides data-driven insights so teams can track progress, improve the speed of collaboration, remove human error and manual activity and ultimately make better decisions about driving effective business change. Companies like Shell, Chevron and others rely on the Progressly platform to create a better way of working, by centralizing processes and removing unnecessary manual interactions for all employees.

The greatest expense any company has is its people but its people are also the greatest asset of any company as well. As many great leaders of our time have stated – “they are only as successful as the people around them”. Although we may all agree with this statement, there are certainly barriers which can limit our success – such as legacy systems, new systems, contracts and protocols. That’s where Progressly helps its customers. We first start with taking an existing process (which may exist in paper, an Excel document, in Visio or in another format) and quickly show how that same process can be displayed in a simple, centralized dashboard. Then, customers have the ability to take that same static process and make it actionable by sharing it with colleagues, assigning and routing tasks, linking other relevant documents, creating forms, tracking progress and so on. By taking a static process and transforming it into a digital canvas, customers begin to understand where the bottlenecks occur and ultimately start developing a roadmap for sustainable change.

Our goal is to empower today’s enterprises to transform their operations and move away from antiquated systems and spreadsheets so that companies can make better decisions and drive better results, faster.




Nick Candito is cofounder and Chief Executive Officer at Progressly, championing the company’s mission towards helping our customers transform the way they do business. He previously served as RelateIQ’s Head of User Success & Business Operations, which was acquired by Salesforce.com in August 2014 as the first automatic and intelligent CRM solution. Prior to moving to Silicon Valley, Nick led operations at Crimson Hexagon, a Boston-based social media insights company, which was the first to partner with Twitter in understanding brand sentiment.