Home Others How To Become A Hands-On Hi-Tech Retailer?

How To Become A Hands-On Hi-Tech Retailer?


Technology has created a buzz around everything in this world. There have been revolutionary inventions in the field of IT and communication in the last decade. Things have changed so much that, brick and mortar has become a thing of the past. Be it an office or retail stores, people now get things done online or use their handheld devices rather than physically visiting the place. digital style storefront

Let us understand how easily you can become a hands-on retailer using the revolutionary technology currently available and how it can help you out with boosting sales:

POS – The magic band.

The changes that IT and communications have brought about in retail have been extraordinary. While the small retailers have gained particularly from technology, the bigger ones are also making the most of IT to manage their vast infrastructure and cross-location stock and sales.

POS has been the most important aspect of IT that has revolutionized the retail field, be it small or large retailers. How to go about integrating it with one’s retail firm has been the only concern, rather than thinking about whether or not to have one. Once the POS is in use, there are quite a lot of solutions like inventory tracking, pricing, sales and purchase integration and multi-location data all available at your fingertips. Tracking and simplification of sales processing are made easier with the right POS. The cost factor is the only concern that matters most of the retailers. Now, with SaaS and other shared technology in place, even the small retailers can subscribe to the right POS for their products and make the most of the modern technology.

Automation Devices – Set you free.

When your POS is available on handheld devices, you are a free bird. And this is particularly useful when you have an e-store and are travelling extensively. You no longer have to keep the customer on hold and take the risk of losing a customer because of delayed response. There are many POS which are available on your smartphones or iPads which sets you free from confining yourself to the store. Gone are the days of bulk devices such as huge dot matrix printers and card swiping machines that need to be attached to a power socket to work. Now you get mobile-like devices to print bills and for swiping cards to affect your sales easily. You can literally carry your POS and related devices in your bag and sell on the go.

If that seems bulky, get things done online. E-commerce stores, over the internet and the mobile app, that take complete care of the sales process from shopping carts to payments to shipping are easily available which sets you totally free. You even can get the alerts and reports on your mobile apps which let you keep track of the entire store.

Integrated Purchase and Accounting.

While some POS does handle these, most of them leave the accounting and purchasing part to be handled outside, except for the integrated ERPs. But ERPs are quite expensive and are feasible for the large retailers who deal with a lot of products and locations. There’s good news for the small retailers too. They can now subscribe to integrated purchase and accounting software online and set up the automated system without having to spend a fortune. This makes sure that stock is available on time and every time and everything is accounted for. It makes sure that any time of the day you can get access to the actual position of your retail firm in terms of the money matters and stock. This is particularly helpful when you are talking to investors and partners where you have complete information about your retail concern up to the minute.

Digital Marketing – Cost-effective and faster results.

Marketing is definitely an important aspect of retail. Now you can get it done online which is much cheaper and effective. Digital marketing has become the most reliable marketing technique which is more measurable and gives better and faster results as the target audience is filtered to suit the product and its target sector. You can interact directly with your existing and prospective customers and get to know what’s right and wrong with your products or services. User generated content is widely being used for digital marketing and understanding the customers better.


Retail seems to be completely undergoing a revolutionary change with technology to its favor. With the right and feasible POS, automation devices, and digital marketing, even the small retailers can make the most of the technology and become a hands-on seller, literally.