Home In the News Singapore vs Malaysia – Who Consumes More And Who Saves More?

Singapore vs Malaysia – Who Consumes More And Who Saves More?


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  • A Singaporean smokes 4 times less cigarettes per day, still pays 57% more per cigarettes compared to Malaysians.
  • Singaporean consume 3 times more Electricity per day, compared to Malaysians.
  • CupoNation Singapore has created an interactive infographic, where you can see the average spends by a Singaporean per day in real time.

CupoNation, the global savings portal, has done an analysis about the consumption behavior of Singaporeans. The interactive infographic is showing the main categories Singaporeans are on average spending their money on. But how is the consumption behavior of Singapore compared to that of Malaysia? You can find it out below:

Beer and Wine in Singapore and Malaysia.

Beer and Wine consumption is nearly the same in both countries, but Malaysians still pay less (RM0.7/day)  for the same amount of Beer and Wine compared to Singaporeans (S$0.41 which is RM1.23/day). On an average, cost of a domestic Beer in Malaysia is RM11, and a bottle of wine costs RM50, which are pretty high compared to the prices in Europe. Even with the super high prices of alcoholic drinks, Malaysia is said to be the 10th largest consumer of alcohol in the world.

Malaysians drink more coffee but pay less per day.

Malaysians consume more coffee (0.10 cups/day), compared to Singaporeans (0.03 cups/day). But Singaporeans still end up paying 40% more (S$5.47 which is RM16.25) compared to Malaysians (RM9.79) each cup of coffee.

Do Malaysians smoke more cigarettes, than Singaporeans?

On an average a Malaysian smokes 7.45 cigarettes per day. Almost 4 times more than a Singaporean who smokes 2 cigarettes per day. But in the end, a Singaporean spends more per cigarette (S$0.65 which is RM1.93) on an average, compared to a Malaysian (RM0.82).


Singaporeans pay slightly more (S$8.88 which is RM26.5/day) compared to Malaysians (RM23.33/day) when it comes to eating out in restaurants. Both countries remain fond of Seafood, mainly due to the culture and geography.

Do Malaysians care more about the environment?

Absolutely yes. Malaysians consume 4 times less petrol (0.57L/day), compared to Singaporeans (4.72L/day). And with electricity,  Malaysians use relatively less electricity (8.36 kWh/day), compared to Singapore (23 kWh/day).

From the results it is evident that Malaysians have an upper hand when it comes to saving money. It also shows their responsibility towards a better environment.

With the infographic, CupoNation wants to help users to be more aware of where their money goes, and how they can manage their consumption. You can see the interactive infographics for Malaysia and Singapore here:

