Home Others Why Lifestyle Entrepreneur Blogs Are Taking Over (And How To Build One)

Why Lifestyle Entrepreneur Blogs Are Taking Over (And How To Build One)



In the modern age of transparency, today’s socially-driven audiences are in search of personality when it comes to who they follow. Likewise, many young entrepreneurs are looking to remove the traditional “suit and tie” vibe of their marketing efforts in order to reach such an audience.

Blurring the lines between “work” and “play,” lifestyle entrepreneurs are taking over the blogosphere to make their voices heard.

More than just a buzzword, lifestyle entrepreneurs represent bloggers and vloggers alike who’ve infused their businesses with their daily lives. Whether filming motivational rants while driving on the highway to wildly entertaining blog posts that aren’t afraid to cause some controversy, lifestyle entrepreneurs represent the fresh faces of a marketing world that often feels stale to the younger crowd.

But what makes lifestyle entrepreneurs such as Tim Ferriss and Sean Ogle so compelling?

They’re Real.

Whether documenting their triumphs or struggles, audiences are able to truly relate to a lifestyle entrepreneur versus a straight-laced CEO with no personality.

They’re Unpredictable.

Many lifestyle entrepreneurs operate without a filter, saying what they want without the need to sugarcoat it. Attitude and authenticity appeal to millennials and those interested in more “unconventional” means of marketing.

They’re Entertaining.

Akin to reality television, many lifestyle entrepreneurs are downright entertaining. By offering insight, ideas and inspiration to their readership, such entrepreneurs are a stark contrast to the straightlaced marketing we’ve become accustomed to.

If you’re looking to present yourself as a fresh face in your industry, starting a blog from scratch which follows your entrepreneurial journey may be the key to building a more intimate relationship with your audience. Whether or not you think you have what it takes to be a lifestyle entrepreneur yourself, there’s plenty you can learn from such gurus and apply to your own business’ blog.

Find Your Voice.

Regardless of your industry, having a unique voice is absolutely critical if you’re looking to stand out from the crowd. Too often do we see blogs sharing the exact same content, covering the exact same topics and using the same uninspired tone.

Get loud. Get real. Ditch the jargon and use some slang every now and then. Let loose with your content.

While using your voice may seem like risky business, consider the fact that readers want authenticity from marketing. While you should always follow best practices within your industry (in other words, don’t needlessly trash people or be profane), a little bit of personality can go a long way.

Get Personal.

Allow your blog to provide a window into your personal life. Lifestyle entrepreneurs do this all of the time by discussing personal anecdotes as they might relate to their businesses, whether it be something that happened at the gym to something someone said at the check-out counter.

Let your audience know that you’re human and tap into those personal experiences as drive for your entrepreneurial spirit. Audiences want to be inspired: likewise, personal tales make you seem more human to readers versus simply a faceless wall of text.

Keep Them Guessing.

Blogs are the perfect hub for debate and discussions. Lifestyle entrepreneurs constantly ask questions or make statements which stir controversy amongst their readership. Whether you’re asking readers if one brand is superior to another or questioning the merits of a product, such debate will get users talking about you and your business. As an added bonus, controversial content is prime for social sharing which will ultimately drive more users to your blog.

There’s plenty we can apply to our own brands as the trend of blending of “business” and “pleasure” amongst entrepreneurs continues to grow. Giving your blog a personal touch by telling stories in your voice will ultimately build a following that’s interested in what you have to say and sell.