Home Others Ctrader Platform Becoming More Popular

[Sponsored] Ctrader Platform Becoming More Popular


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This new Spotware trading platform offers so much for forex traders and allows you to find ctrader forex broker that can ensure you make the best choices.

cTrader trading platform for Forex customers is revolutionary and is the very first to use a HTML5 interface and of course the latest technologies to ensure trading is smooth, fast, and easy to use.

This new platform is awesome as you can order from any window including a chart with the speed of the order under one millisecond. This means that you can do your transactions at the very moment with the least amount of slippage. The reason you can order in this fashion and so quickly is because of cloud technology as well as putting servers on one platform. This means that you will also be able to view liquidity providers and most of the quotes aggregators.

This platform offers a depth of market which provides a complete list of quotes of liquidity providers. The cTrader offers the most transparency of the prices that are offered along with volumes that are relevant.

The charts created for this platform have the traders’ requirements in mind. There is a window for the charts that provide all the instruments that are needed for searching of any trading signals as well as technical analysis.

When you use the analytical indicators you can create your own or use ones from the library which includes volatility indices, oscillators, and main indicators. The charts window offers 14 main time frames that include two minutes, four minutes and even twelve hours. This allows you to use any trading strategy.

The cTrader platform offers a function known as ChartShots which will allow you to share shots from any chart briefly with only 2 clicks. A unique URL will be created where the chart you wish to share will show color scheme, scale, as well as technical analysis indicators. The created link can be sent to a friend through email or you can post on Twitter, Facebook, or more than 300 other resources.

ChartCasts is a very popular function of the cTrader as you can create live charts to be displayed on your website. They will be viewed the exact way as they were created. Visitors to your site will be able to change the charts display in their own browser but cannot change the settings.

Other popular functions include that you can have several different accounts using various basic currencies, fast change between demos and live accounts, the ability to design and save templates, charts are able to be opened in a different window with all functionality, and can be fully integrated with cAlgo analytical platform.


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