Home Others Basic Paper Facilities That Every Business Needs

Basic Paper Facilities That Every Business Needs


business woman working on office printer

It can be tempting to think that today’s start up is simply about firing up a laptop. And in a way that is all you have to do to connect with the world. But if you are serious about running a business as opposed to an information platform, then you will need to have some old school paper hardware. A lot of start-up advice talks about the importance of websites and online transactions. This can all be good advice. But in the real day to day world of customers, clients, suppliers and employees you need to be able to keep a track on your dealings. Any business must place efficiency and order at the top of its priorities. It must keep track of its transactions.

Here are some clear-cut paper ways to keep your business afloat and efficient:


We exist in an increasingly freelance world. It is one where there can often be a high turnover of employees and suppliers. This gives any business great amounts of freedom and flexibility. There is a downside, however. That flexibility can mean a business does not have reliability and clear-cut expectations. Your business needs to have a contract whenever it enters into a relationship with either an employee or another business. That contract is a professional and legally binding agreement between two parties. You should both sign it, and both have copies.

Business Bank Account.

If you are serious about your business, then you should set up a separate business bank account. This will enable you to appear and be far more professional. It will also allow you to separate your business from your personal accounts. That will be essential regarding debt liability. But it will also mean that you can keep a track of your accounts much more easily. You can get business checks printed easily and efficiently. They will enable you to pay suppliers, employees and vendors. A business check system is a useful way of keeping track of your accounts and understanding where you are.

Letterheads and business cards.

Even in this day and age, every business should be equipped with a good quality printer. It is still vital for you to be able to print off letters on headed paper. Hard copies are still essential for the confirmation of quotes and estimates. You will be able to print off documents with your company’s logo and contact details. Similarly, you business card is still an incredibly useful tool of intent and communication. Ensure that you have a good and ready supply. Send these out with accounts, contracts and statements.

Every business will try and ensure that it is as efficient as possible. For many that will mean investing in IT and looking at cloud storage systems. It may well mean outsourcing services such as accounting and security. But you should never forget that a business exists in the real world. For many that world is still a place where things are written down and leave a paper trail. It is still a world where your signature counts.