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4 Tips And Tricks For Creating The Optimal Brand Experience At Your Next Corporate Event


Event marketing

Imagine that you have run your business event and the industry buzz is all about the spectacular event that you hosted. There are flurries of whispers endorsing your business’s brand, products and services. Prospective clients then start lining themselves up in your sales pipeline to become your dedicated client. You have more than you can handle and the future path seems paved with gold. Successfully executing your event can deliver this outcome. Businesses that successfully host or execute their attendance at an event ‘steal the show’ and draw accolades from the industry.

If you want to create a similar success story for your business, follow these handy tips from the team at Product Promotional Experts:

1. Draw attendees to your event with a compelling theme.

There are communities that thrive on attending events to network, learn and seek new opportunities. Pitching the right theme will help to draw your desired attendees to register for your event. Event themes should be niche specific and seek to satisfy the core need of the attendees. This may be:

  • Finding potential suppliers.
  • Learning about new or soon to be released products.
  • Learning industry insights.
  • Networking.

By being specific, your event can draw those people in your industry that are passionate about that particular niche. For example, it would be wiser to host a WordPress developers conference that allowed speakers to talk about their plugin developments rather than to host a generic technical show. Or if there is a show about digital marketing, to focus the event for display marketers that are exploring software solutions that can improve their work productivity.

2. Create an interesting aesthetic environment for your audience.

It is essential that you understand the needs of your audience. Some may attend and want to be surrounded by illustrious surroundings. Others may attend solely for the ease of finding the information that they want to receive. Consider what layouts you can have for your event based on your location and your budget. Below are some examples of event layouts for small and large budgets.

presentation event 1


Here is an example of a small event that features a large meeting room, projector screen and table groups for attendees.

In this example, a larger event with a much larger floorspace has a dedicated conference area and stall booths for attendees to visit.

event space


In this example, people are attending a networking event that is held in a room without chairs. People can network easily in a comfortable atmosphere whilst enjoying refreshments.

event networking


3. Incentivise people to attend with freebies and competitions.

People want to get information and value from the event, but they also want to have fun. Allowing attendees to receive free items such as branded merchandise is a great way to promote your business. Go a step further by giving away branded items in a competition to build buzz at your event. For example, allow attendees to win branded gadgets simply by placing their business card into a jar. It is an easy way to get leads that your business can follow up with after the event.

4. Sell your business’s product and service offerings by being the ‘expert speaker’ of the event.

As a speaker, you will be held in high esteem and you can easily draw more qualified leads to your business. Don’t pitch a hard sell. Educate the audience through the problems, processes and solutions that your business has experience in.

Your event has every opportunity to be a roaring success. Draw in the right crowds, create an engaging environment and reveal new information to the attendees and they should not only be happy with the attendance, but spread the word about their experience at the event and the business that hosted it. There are many rewards waiting for your business. It is up to you to seize them.