Home Advice For The Young At Heart The Secret To Entrepreneurial Success Is In The Thinking

The Secret To Entrepreneurial Success Is In The Thinking


By Steve Siebold, author of “How Rich People Think


Every entrepreneur dreams of major league success, but many settle for less than their share. The top performers in life, while indeed very knowledgeable in their fields, all share one similar characteristic: the success is in the thinking.

While average performers think about how to survive with the least amount of pain and struggle, the most successful people think big and plan their brilliant futures. Ask people around you what they think about at any given time, and you might be surprised to learn how many think about just getting by. This is referred to as “selling yourself short.” For an entrepreneur, it means lack of growth, no forward momentum and even the death of your business.

The philosophy of world-class entrepreneurs is, “If you’re going to be thinking, you may as well think big.” Their abundance-based consciousness is the engine that drives their big thoughts and creative ideas. The great ones are fearless and focused on manifesting their ultimate dreams. Entrepreneurs get into trouble when they start to think about how to avoid pain, obstacles, challenges and failure. Top performers think lofty dreams, big-time success and gratification. One group views the world as a scary place, and the other sees it as an exciting adventure with endless possibilities.

The masses see life as a threat; the great ones see it as a game. The difference in thinking is so dramatic between these two groups that, when you talk to them, it’s as though you are speaking to people from different planets. The champions’ abundance-based consciousness drives them to think and dream bigger with each passing success.

The secret is cocooning.

One of the ways champions stay on top of their thought process is in their ability to build cocoons. This protects them from the disease known as lack consciousness. In short, champions only hang out with other champions. While the average performer judges this as pretentious and elitist, the great ones believe it’s essential to their success. Champions believe consciousness is contagious, and know they will become the average of their closest friends and associates.

The great ones aren’t gamblers. They prefer to be the house. Part of that philosophy is surrounding themselves with people of equal or greater consciousness. They know they don’t have the luxury of thinking negative thoughts. They know one fear-based thought has the power to suffocate a life-changing idea in its infancy and put them out of business for good. The cocoon protects their consciousness from the onslaught of fear and scarcity.

In addition to surrounding themselves with other champions, the world class reads and listens to inspiring books and recordings. Many invest time in spiritual development to strengthen their faith. They attend seminars and workshops to increase their level of awareness and network with other champions.  They also give back to their communities and involve themselves with people who are leaders and activists. In essence, the most successful performers create an environment firmly entrenched in prosperity consciousness that serves as the rich soil necessary for them to manifest their ultimate vision.

The takeaway.

If you’re serious about joining the ranks of top performers, it all starts with your thinking. Strong cocooning leads to thinking big. When you think big, anything is possible.

Review your vision for your life and think about your greatest dreams. Are you selling yourself short? Are you thinking too small? Are you letting fear hold you back from the abundance of life? Do you really have what it takes to hit it big (Hint: yes!) The secret to entrepreneurial success is in the thinking!


Steve Siebold

Steve Siebold is author of “177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class: The Thought Processes, Habits and Philosophies of the Great Ones” and “How Rich People Think“, and a consultant to Fortune 500 sales and management teams on mental toughness and critical thinking.