Home Others Don’t Neglect Your Health: Fitting A Fitness Regime Into A Busy Schedule

Don’t Neglect Your Health: Fitting A Fitness Regime Into A Busy Schedule



It can be so, so easy to fall into a terrible routine. Wake up tired from a hard day and evening’s work and you’re rushing out to work again, so you grab something quick and unhealthy and dash to your method of transport straight to the office and begin another long day. Another quick lunch full of refined sugars and little real nutritional value before you finish the day and unwind before heading to bed. In these situations you can feel trapped; stuck in an unhealthy vicious circle that seems difficult to get out of without radically altering your lifestyle to fit in a fitness regime. Luckily, this does not need to be the case.

Entrepreneurs are workaholics by nature, so slacking off from the business front to go to the gym is unlikely to sound inviting, just as preparing an hour-long nutritious feast from scratch may seem. However, by neglecting your fitness and health it could have a serious impact on your business. There are several reasons why being fitter and healthier can have a massively positive impact on your day-to-day dealings. Firstly, by getting into this kind of good routine and allowing yourself to feel the positivity stemming from these changes, your energy levels can increase and this will increase your productivity. Positive actions always lead to more positive outcomes, following on the themes of ‘what goes around comes around’.

When you wake up in the morning feeling fresh and reinvigorated, this gives you more confidence to do the things you want to do without that overarching feeling that you’ve left something out as your tired mind wreaks havoc with proceedings. Exercise also increases that feeling of being awake and aware, which will translate to board meetings and daily dealings alike. A lot of hard workers and entrepreneurs may well say they feel stressed; faced with impending deadlines and the task of holding everything together can be daunting. If you are able to use exercise as a way to feel more connected from a body and mind perspective, this can really clear your head and allow you to properly focus on the things that matter most. Endorphins are released during productive exercise that can act as a natural high that elevates your entire day.

Now you’re interested, what are the best ways to sneak a fitness routine into your busy schedule so you don’t even really notice that it is happening? It is all about the little introductions that, if kept up, can make an incredible improvement to health whilst not feeling like a difficult thing to implement. What do you normally do when you wake up? It can be super easy to do a quick 10 minute workout in the comfort of your bedroom or living room before washing away the sweat with a morning shower. A few planks, push-ups and sit-ups before your mind has even started to wake up properly and you can begin the day in the most positive way. This kind of attitude from the moment you get out of bed will only engender more positive feelings that will motivate you to do more throughout the day.

If you are in a reasonably successful position and happy to consider products that will help you on your fitness quest, small investments in good quality sports gear can really aid your performance, especially if you are aiming to get the most out of a quick session. The Tommie Copper website offers great deals on sports wear, especially the kind of under garments and mock neck shirts that will keep you warm enough for a quick run around the office block without feeling freezing the whole way.

Overall, planning is the key to your success in this kind of endeavor. Try and anticipate all of the hurdles that you will have to overcome and aim for positive solutions to these. Also consider the little tweaks that will really make a difference. Climb stairs and forgo the lift, splash out on a bike and save spending the commute sat behind a wheel, and look to introduce tiny little workouts when you have free time.

Nutrition is also extremely important for busy entrepreneurs who are always on the go. There is little point trying hard to fit in an exercise regime to go and throw it all away with processed junk at lunchtime and saturated fats for the evening. So see what little changes you can make and tweak your busy schedule to come out fitter, healthier and stronger on the other side.