Home Others Custom Designs For Exhibition Displays

Custom Designs For Exhibition Displays


Event marketing

As you prepare for an upcoming exhibition, one of the most important considerations to take into account is the design of your display. This is, after all, the central piece of collateral that is going to attract visitors to your booth and encourage them to engage with your on-site representatives.

Without a well-designed display, it really doesn’t matter how compelling your marketing message or call to action is. In fact, it’s likely to fall on deaf ears if not backed by powerful and evocative design. That’s what makes it so crucial that you go directly to the experts so that they can complete the serious legwork on your behalf.

While the firm that you charter for the actual displays can take care of designing your exhibition stand according to your needs and preferences, there are still plenty of other ways to boost the overall look and feel of the space. Indeed, it never hurts to familiarise yourself with the basic principles that underpin the process.

With that in mind, we’re going to offer a few tips for designing your exhibition space:

Avoid ambiguity.

It’s important that anyone walking with sight of your exhibit knows exactly who you are and what types of products or services you supply. Make sure that the exhibit clearly communicates this information.

Aim for high visual impact.

You’ll find that there is a lot of competition for attention on the trade show floor.
Overcome this by working with bright colours and bold designs that steal the show and leave attendees wanting to learn more about your organisation. For example, your organisation may even consider using LED displays to attract more traffic.

Don’t equate a limited budget with poor design.

Far too often, small organisations and start-ups assume that they simply don’t have the budget needed to create an eye-catching display. Good design doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.

Follow your brand’s visual identify (VID).

You should already have a set of colours, typefaces and other indicators that are attached to your brand image. If not – this is a good time to create a VID. Striving for this sort of consistency across all points of contact is only going to strengthen the brand.

Limit which products you display.

There can be a temptation to display as much information about your products and services as possible. The problem with this is that attendees are already going to be overloaded by the time they reach your booth. Pare down the display with only the most popular products – or those that you deem to be most innovative, compelling or noteworthy.

Effectively designing your trade show space could work wonders for your small-but-growing business. Start early with the design process, consulting with your signage designer for ideas. This ensures that you’ll have plenty of time to source all of the materials you need, make any necessary revisions to the format and otherwise ensure that everything looks outstanding on the day of the show. Your potential clients and customers are going to take notice.