Home Others How To Use Google AdWords To Boost Results

How To Use Google AdWords To Boost Results


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If you are looking for ways in which to attract more, high quality traffic to your website or blog, Google AdWords is able to drive large amounts of good quality traffic, and even making small and simple changes to a Google AdWords marketing campaign can have a significant impact on the campaign’s profitability. If you’re looking to boost your results, Google AdWords is the perfect tool.

We’ve put together a list of smart optimization techniques for Google AdWords that you can start using today to see massive improvements in your levels of traffic and marketing results (you can also hire someone to help you to implement these steps if you need to).

Base Bid Modifiers on Geographical Performance.

Different geographical areas can see a vast difference in levels of performance. Use Google Analytics to discover information on which areas are generating the most amount of profit and conversions, and set up bid modifiers in AdWords based on the data provided by Google Analytics. This results in the less profitable areas using up less budget, and more of the budget being allocated to those areas that turn over the greatest amount of profit.

Use a Remarketing Campaign Bid Modifier.

Campaigns which target users that visited your site but did not convert – known as remarketing campaigns – are extremely common. However, what is less common is remarketing bid modification. By setting up a bid modifier for those visitors who first visited your website through a regular AdWords campaign, your advertisements are becoming more and more competitive. Applying a bit modifier to remarketing campaigns means that your ad will reach more potential customers as it will be in a higher position.

Systematically Split Test Ads.

You should split test your ads regularly, but it’s also important to do so with a system for constant and continuous improvement in place. An example of this would be to test a variety of different headlines, and single out the one that is the most profitable. You should then combine it with a number of different URLs, and decide which the best combination is. Depending on how much data your account is accumulating, you should aim to repeat this process either every week or even every day.

Check for Negative Keywords.

You should always check the Search Term Report as this will enable you to make the changes that you need in order to put your budget to better use and show you which keywords are triggering ads. The Search Term Report is extremely useful for determining profitable keywords, however it also has another significant use – you can use it to filter out negative keyword lists. Put this to good use and it will stop your ad from showing up to irrelevant terms.

Check Bounce Rate and User Behavior.

It is not enough to simply measure and evaluate keyword potential from a purely conversion rate point of view. It’s also important to consider the behavior of users on your site after clicking on a keyword. Knowing how users behave on your site is a good indicator of whether or not a remarketing campaign is needed for certain keywords and how successful a remarketing campaign could be for any one given keyword if it did not initially convert very far.

Exclude Mobile Apps.

Google campaigns automatically show ads on mobile apps by default, however according to a report 50% of all clicks on mobile ads are accidental. In order to avoid wasting your budget on accidental clicks, visit the Google AdWords targeting tab and take out mobile apps.

How have you used Google AdWords to boost your website’s results? I’ve you’d like to add any further optimization tips, we’d love to hear from you in the comments.