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How Social Media Impacts Young Investors


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In today’s digital age, more and more young people are turning to social media to influence almost every decision they make from the clothing they wear to the jobs they seek to investments in their future. As a result, social media is having a huge impact on literally every investment platform in ways that just weren’t possible as recently as a decade ago. There is no doubt about the fact that social sites are having a huge impact on young investors as is evidenced by the widespread number of young investors. Following is just a quick look at how social media is impacting young investors.

The Need to Be Connected.

Social media answers a very real human need and that is to be connected with others in similar lifestyles and of like minds. When delving into the world of investments, it is thought that many young investors begin as a social undertaking. They are active on such sites as Facebook and Twitter and when those little hashtags start promoting investments their ‘friends’ have made, they take a second look at how they could benefit by entering the market.

Social Media Promotes ‘Affordable’ Investments.

The young person who is just starting out in life typically has little to invest. One of the ways in which social media impacts young investors is that Tweets and Messages can announce low-cost start-up investments that appeal to the ages of anyone in their twenties and thirties. For example, young investors would appreciate Tweets from companies such as Synergy FX that talk about market conditions in a language they can understand. Unlike market sites that are highly technical in language, Tweets and IMs provide easy-to-understand market conditions by the very nature of the messages, short and sweet.

High Visibility of Social Media.

Another way in which social media is impacting young investors is the high visibility of the media. More and more investment brokers are gaining a huge following through a number of social media platforms because, to put it bluntly, that’s where they can be found! In days gone by, there were fewer young investors because brokers had few avenues of approach. Today’s young person lives and breathes in a digital world so they can be easily approached on the benefits of investing in certain products, futures or commodities. Forex is one of many investment strategies that has found a huge following through social media because of the low start-up cost.

Brokers looking to capture a young audience know just where to look! As the old adage goes, ‘if you can’t beat them join them,’ and this is so true of social media. If you want to target and influence a young audience, social media is the way to go. For those who are just starting out in the world of investments, be aware of the fact that brokers know where to find you and will actively seek you. Don’t always rely on those Tweets but check the validity of what you are reading. Investing at a young age is great, even if it was prompted through social media, just make sure to find the investment vehicle that suits you and your budget.