Home Advice For The Young At Heart Finding Your Work–Life Balance

Finding Your Work–Life Balance


by Charles A. Archer,  co-founder and CEO of Evelyn Douglin Center for Serving People In Need, Inc.

Juggler 1 There are countless stories of individuals who succeed through perseverance, hard work, and positive attitude. Impact, influence and success follow creating, providing and presenting something the world needs, desires or should know about.

Whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur or operator, company success is achieved in productive environments where Everybody Matters. When dealing with unifying the team, effective communication or problem solving, we must not forget to taking care of ourselves. There is a price to leadership and it is that leadership is about everybody else. For that reason, leaders must find work – life balance.

The following are ways that not only provide career separation but ways for every business owner, operate and entrepreneur to relax, revive and rejuvenate:

1. Always sync your gadget.

I always do this prior to leaving the office. Technology is a great tool as it helps keep order and highlights important dates and maintains order. It keeps appointments and alerts of appointments (both personally and professionally).

2. Be clear about what is a priority.

Intrinsically, one knows if its personal or professional accomplishments are driving daily behavior. Once that’s known and accepted, a person can better live their objectives, guidelines can be set, and efforts appropriately placed.

3. Do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

If procrastination occurs in any area, it mitigates and infringes upon the other.

4. Structure your time, even time to relax, rejuvenate and refocus.

Know that a day and time of the week will be, “me time.” Each day can have its own accomplishment.

5. Say No.

This is both applicable in personal and business life. Sometimes, your non-business time can also be stressful if you let others dictate how that is spent.

6. Delegate in all areas of your life.

Whether errands or projects, you must know how to concert with others, funnel duties and get things done.

7. Take a Vacation or Staycation.

Disconnect from it all either for a half-day, full day or several days.

8. Eat Healthy, Exercise Often and Sleep Well.

Our bodies need to be treated with the same care and attention we give our personal and professional lives.

Our time is unfortunately a diminishing asset. Leaders must be keenly aware that if we do not treat time with respect our business along with ourselves will suffer. Find your work – life balance by any means necessary.


Charles ArcherCharles A. Archer is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Evelyn Douglin Center for Serving People In Need, Inc. (EDCSPIN) where people with disabilities live with dignity, respect and independence; and also, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Everybody Paddles a corporate engagement entity that supports businesses create unified teams and build productive work environments.