Home Others Finding Quiet When Working From Home At Christmas

Finding Quiet When Working From Home At Christmas




If you’ve ever spent some of your festive holiday working from home then you’re no doubt well aware that distractions can easily lead to a lack of productivity. Peace and quiet can be hard to find when everyone else at home is enjoying their Christmas break but there are some ways to combat the noise to help you get back to work.

Settling down to work in a quiet corner of the home may not be enough to stop external noises filtering in and these simple tips could just be the answer you’re looking for.

Warn your housemates.

You can’t realistically expect zero distractions in the way of noise but a gentle reminder to family and housemates that you’re trying to work is a good precaution. They’ll probably be sympathetic to your plight and will turn down the music and that television to a minimum noise level. A quiet room in a far corner of the house away from others with the door tightly shut is also another prerequisite. If you can, you should also ensure you’re not connected to the internet as this can one of the biggest distractions when working from home.

Cancel out the noise.

Some people swear by those soft silicon earplugs while others find them uncomfortable, plus they sometimes don’t eliminate all noise. If earplugs just aren’t the answer then it may be worth your while investing in some noise cancelling headphones. This type of headphone is ideal for zeroing out surrounding noise and you can choose from either the over-ear or in-ear versions. Many people prefer the in-ear model as they provide a snug fit and the earphone thickness can easily eliminate external noise.

Focus on music.

It may seem strange but focussing your mind with music can really help to shut-out other noises. If music isn’t the answer then try a white-noise audio recording to block out external sounds; you can download white noise recordings for free online. Listening to this type of sound with a pair of earphones could be the answer if housemates are proving to be too much of a distraction. Many people actually use white noise to focus the mind away from external noises at night to help them sleep but it can also be a boon if you’re working in a noise-filled environment.

Noise can be a huge distraction while working but trying out one or more of these methods may be all it takes to focus your attention. Always remind your friends and family that the quicker you finish work the quicker you’ll be able to join in the festive fun – this may be enough to help keep the noise down.