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[Infographic] The Roommate Effect


The Social Network

If you caught the movie The Social Network some years back, one of the things you may come away with – aside from a glimpse into how Facebook may have started – is the healthy appreciation for the having the right roommate during college. In fact your college roommate shouldn’t just be someone who you simply share a dorm room with – since you’re spending an inordinate amount of time with them they can have a huge impact on your academic achievement, health and even social attitudes.

Having a good roommate who’s good at the books actually increases your GPA score as well, while a bad one who’s constantly unhappy can depress your own mood. Here’s a fun yet insightful infographic from CollegeChoice that outlines the sort of impact your college roommate can have on you, and also highlights some celebrities that have roomed together (and hence influenced one another):

The Roommate Effect

[Infographic Credit: CollegeChoice.net/]