Home Advice For The Young At Heart What Are Your After School Options?

What Are Your After School Options?



Now that going to university has become a more expensive pursuit than it has ever been in the past, a greater number of people are taking the time while still in school or college to carefully consider alternative paths.

This has not always been the case though. Whether it was the intention or not, the grandeur of being an alumni of a UK university was once so attractive that many school leavers saw it as a default decision.

But £27,000 for tuition fees alone during an average three-year degree is a commitment that some simply don’t feel carries the right level of perceived reward. Positive Outcomes’ infographic details some of the paths available to departing students.

Vocational training.

The exposure that is being given to work-based training courses and dedicated apprentice schemes has grown immensely. In fact, it seems ever more common that the types of job roles such students end up with are just as well-paid as those of their counterparts who choose to go to university and enter the graduate market.

Legal sector.

Taking on a secretarial role in the legal sector can be the secret ingredient to a successful and fulfilling career with a high-profile employer. Working to assist lawyers and solicitors, you could find yourself with a salary as high as £21,000, without having to take on the debt and study time involved in a full-time university course.

Duties involve tasks such as drawing up important legal documents, accompanying barristers in court and acting as a point of liaison for clients and the police service.

The best way to get a foot in the door in this area of the jobs market is to try to gain office experience at an early age. This doesn’t necessarily have to be done within a legal setting, but getting the odd placement in – even if it is just for a week or so – while still in school is a great place to start.

There are a range of courses in IT literacy and secretarial work that could be taken on as an alternative to a degree or even A-levels – an approach that is detailed in the Positive Outcomes infographic.

Business sector

Degrees in business management and marketing have become some of the most popular at UK universities, but this is not the only route to find your way into the industry. Researching executive PA courses might just be an even better way of gaining the remuneration that all your hard work at school deserves. As detailed in Positive Outcomes infographic, top earners in this field could see themselves bringing home as much as £31,000 a year.

With a host of short courses available at local colleges and more general clerical programmes that could equip you with a wealth of transferable skills, it really is worth properly investigating the alternatives.

It should also be remembered that while the university-goers spend three years hitting the books, you could be spending that time progressing up the career ladder, gaining practical experience that is quite a draw for employers.

Accounting sector.

Another great way to start a fulfilling and well-paid career, especially if numbers are more your thing, is to consider the accounting sector.

Vocational courses, along with a good grade in GCSE or A-level maths, could see you eventually securing a position that could pay as much as £32,500 as an Account Manager.