Home Thinking Aloud The Age Of The Entrepreneur: 5 Current And Future Trends

The Age Of The Entrepreneur: 5 Current And Future Trends


By Jenny Q. Ta, entrepreneur, author and CEO of Sqeeqee.com

Business man draw cloud computing chart

Today’s entrepreneur operates in a sphere where changes follow each other in rapid succession. In the coming years the interests of the consumer will once again become a focal point in business.

Entrepreneurs are advised to seek a personal relationship with their clients by taking account of their individual needs and desires. Social media and new technologies will play an important role in this process as it becomes easier to learn about people by what they post.

Here are 5 trends that are shaping the life of entrepreneurs:

Stalk Your Prey.

Forming a relationship with your client is paramount and it is easier than ever with the prevalence of blogs and social media.  Google or Facebook clients and find out their likes, and dislikes. Check LinkedIn and see where they interned after college and even view their Instagram to see photos from where they last vacationed.  No business person hits their mark every time, having a personal relationship will help you get past the rocky times and live happily ever after.

Growth of Personal and Local.

There is an increasing awareness and interest among consumers about the origin of the products that they buy. Local entrepreneurs can play into this concern of consumers, whereas multinational corporations often fall short in allaying consumer concerns. Their impersonal, rigid, and sometimes arrogant treatment of consumers is no longer acceptable now that entrepreneurs offer a valid alternative. Today’s consumer has no problem switching providers of products or services. They like to shop around to find a flexible provider who is willing to offer them that little extra.

Importance of Cloud Computing.

Cloud computing is going to become the entrepreneurs best friend. The giant network that is accessible from any location via the Internet can be used to store all of the business’ data and software.

Cloud computing offers plenty of advantages to entrepreneurs. It enables them to access data and software at any time and from any location. They no longer have to invest in servers and server storage, nor do they have worry about software licenses and management. In cloud computing, you only pay for what you use, so there isn’t any wastage of funds. Moreover, entrepreneurs can tailor the service to the needs of the business.

Surviving in a Difficult Economy.

The economic crisis has driven growth among entrepreneurs. Businesses need a high degree of flexibility to be able to survive a difficult economic climate.  Entrepreneurs have the advantage as long as they aren’t afraid to innovate. Success comes from seeing new opportunities to work together with colleagues, as well as competitors.

Future growth will not be found in turnover alone. Attention to personal growth and becoming a better employer is gaining influence in areas such as sustainable development. The personal circumstance of employees will become an important focal point. This is another area where the entrepreneur can outshine big business. Employees prefer a varied job that enables them to meet the occasional challenge. Personal contact with the employer is also high on the list. This approach is valuable for entrepreneurs because valued employees take less sick days and perform better.


Banks have been hesitant in providing small businesses and entrepreneurs with the funds they need to grow their business. That is why new forms of financing have been developed. Crowdfunding is a popular new form of financing in which multiple investors come together, each providing a small contribution. This way of financing decreases the risk of large financial losses for investors.

Anyone can be investors in crowdfunding. Family members, friends, customers and suppliers can all contribute to the success of a business they believe in. Crowdfunding contributions can be returned to the investors with interest, just like regular lending, but it can also take the shape of financial donations, or the supplying or exchanging of products or services.

So, let’s recap the most important current and future trends for entrepreneurs. Traditional business structures will become irrelevant. The future focus is on borrowing, sharing, and donating. The desires of consumers will be the focal point of the business. In developing a personal relationship with customers, entrepreneurs will rely on social media. Cloud computing will back up the operation of the business. Successful entrepreneurship will be innovative and backed by alternative methods of financing.


jenny ta

Jenny Q. Ta is the founder and CEO of Sqeeqee, the first-of-its-kind networthing ® site.  Ta is a seasoned entrepreneur with two successful ventures to her credit, and is an author whose book, Wall Street Cinderella, will launch in 2014 detailing her escape from Vietnam during the war and her path to success from welfare to Wall Street.