Home Others How Product Packaging Affects Your Buying Decision

[Infographic] How Product Packaging Affects Your Buying Decision


coca cola

You’d be surprised how easily influenced we are when it comes to buying products as consumers; just how a product is packaged alone can push us to make snap decisions when choosing among which brands to buy.

It’s also why brands spend a lot of money on effective package design – they know that on the simplest level the right aesthetics can draw the eye, resulting in a consumer spending more time on their product instead of those of their competitors. And here’s an added bonus: in this day and age of social media, pretty packaging also means that the product tends to get shared a lot more on social networks. In fact, almost 40% of consumers are likely to share photos of packaging if it’s interesting or gift-like. This is important to keep in mind when you create printed boxes or other custom packaging for your product.

Here’s an infographic from the folks at ThePaperWorker.com that shows how product packaging can affect your buying decisions, and looks at how some of the big brands like Starbucks and Coca-Cola do it:

How Product Packaging Affects Your Buying Decision