Home Others You’ve Got Options When Choosing A Tablet

You’ve Got Options When Choosing A Tablet


African American girl looking at digital tablet

When shopping for the best android tablet to fit your needs, there are several factors to consider. The tablet’s size and weight matter, as well as the price point, but there is also a lot to be said for intuitive apps and available media catalogs.

Choosing a tablet that works for your lifestyle involves sorting through all of those factors.

Here is a guide to get you started:

Android Devices That Work Across Platforms.

One of the advantages of an android tablet is that it is compatible with many other products. As a complement to your desktop programs and other software, a tablet can make your work more portable so that you can get out into the field. Whether you are a student or a professional, the ability to seamlessly move from the desk to the classroom to the outdoors is a great advantage. The ability to get outside with your work can have a lot of health benefits, too, from reducing stress to improving memory and concentration. Not being tied to a desk is also good for the creative mind, and can help inspire you if you’re stuck.

Easy Access to Books, Music, and Other Media.

Having a device that can go with you when you’re relaxing so that you’ve got access to all of your media files is important, too. An extensive book library that is available on one device makes reading for pleasure that much easier. Music can boost your mood and is great for helping productivity and attitude, not to mention being good for your health. Choosing a tablet that can double as your very own portable music player, without having to stop the tunes for a phone call, can brighten your day. The ability to stream media like movies and TV shows while you’re on the go is another great feature. A smaller tablet that you can take anywhere means access to all of your media whenever you want it.

Size and Weight Are Important for Portability.

The benefit of having a tablet is that it is, by nature, very portable. Your new tablet will go everywhere you go, from the store with your shopping list to the airport with your reading queue. Anything that you spend that much time carrying must be compact and light-weight in order to fit easily into your lifestyle. Larger, 10 inch or even 13 inch tablets can be bulky and weigh quite a bit more than their smaller counterparts. On the other hand, 7 inch tablets are half the weight and fit neatly into the palm of your hand, much like a paperback book. Smaller tablets are more suitable for slipping into pockets or purses and can better simulate the experience of reading a book when you’re on the go. A heavier, bulkier tablet isn’t as easy to carry and will likely be left at home more often than not. If you’re going to invest in a tablet, be sure to choose one you’ll fully utilize.

Price Point Advantages.

Perhaps one of the biggest considerations when shopping for a tablet is the price. Some of the larger tablets cost as much or more than smart phones, but smaller tablets like the NOOK are a fraction of the cost with the same functionality. For the lower price, you get a larger screen than a smart phone, access to apps for games, music, and photos, and connection to all of your social media. The larger screen enhances any movie or TV-watching you do on the go, so you can better enjoy your favorite shows no matter where you might happen to be. You also get the reading ease of a hand-held device and content that doesn’t come on your average phone. For the price, a smaller tablet is a great investment.

Entertainment and Education for the Whole Family.

Not only are smaller tablets more affordable than smart phones and even larger tablets, they are the right size for kids’ smaller hands. A device that fits into a child’s grip easily and that is equipped with kid-friendly content like educational games and a wide selection of books is sure to keep them entertained and learning. Having easy access to a small tablet that can be tucked into a bag and ready to go can make unexpected wait times at restaurants or in the car go more smoothly by keeping the kids entertained. Giving them a way to choose their own books encourages them to read, which in turn brings all of the advantages associated with pleasure reading such as a higher vocabulary and even improved math scores.

Tablets can also be a great way to spend quality time together, as you play an interactive game or read a story with your child. Spending time together is always a good thing, as you strengthen your bond and help your child learn and grow.