Home Others All You Need To Know About Online Defamation

[Infographic] All You Need To Know About Online Defamation


Defamation – the act of damaging the reputation of someone through slander or libel – can be serious business, but when it comes to the Internet things can get a bit fuzzy. And considering the way that words are so casually thrown about on social media, the danger of getting into legal trouble can be very real.

We’ve already seen cases where online news sites have been sent cease and desist letters and forced to take down articles containing alleged inaccuracies that may have threatened someone’s good reputation. The question is – when it comes to the online space, what is really considered truly defamatory?

If you’re keen to find out more, here’s an infographic from defamation law attorneys Kelly Warner that looks at what is considered online defamation, what can be used in defense of being accused of online defamation, as well as the steps required before someone can file a defamation lawsuit. And perhaps more importantly, it even looks specifically at what entrepreneurs need to know about regarding defamation:

Startup defamation


[Infographic credit: www.businessdefamation.com]

*This post is sponsored by Kelly Warner. I was invited to this opportunity by Quality Blue Community and I received compensation for my time. All opinions expressed in this post are my own.