Home Advice For The Young At Heart These Five Characteristics Will Help You Be A Successful Entrepreneur

These Five Characteristics Will Help You Be A Successful Entrepreneur


by Ronn Cordova, VP of Franchise Development at The Maids


There’s no such thing as overnight success, but what does it take to be an effective entrepreneur? The Maids®, the residential cleaning company that stands out from competitors, remains a model for the franchising industry, in part, because of the extensive training it provides franchisees.

Our experts know that successful people have certain characteristics that help them through the business journey:


It takes belief in yourself, belief in your mission and belief in your product or service to become successful. Any entrepreneur also needs passion and patience in equal amounts to get through the tough times that any business goes through. Many business people are short-sighted, thinking only about the next week or month. Successful entrepreneurs plan for the long-term, setting goals and maintaining focus over an extended period of time.


Successful people aren’t afraid of failure; in fact, they embrace it. Letdowns allow a person to learn and evolve, just as any business must to be competitive. Entrepreneurs also need to be determined, resilient and confident. Such leadership qualities are necessary, not only to promote the business, but also to manage a group of people who will take the company where it needs to go.


Entrepreneurs must realize they don’t need to understand everything about a business to be successful, but they do need a desire to learn. Successful people stay up to speed with industry trends, new technology and business processes and systems. They also aren’t afraid to listen to their employees and incorporate good ideas.


Business people must adhere to high standards and impeccable conduct to be regarded as credible, both by industry peers and the team that makes the business run. While it might seem easier to cheat or take a short cut, the people who do this lose in the long-run. Effective leaders also take responsibility for mistakes and find solutions without placing blame.


People who succeed know they can’t – and shouldn’t – do everything. Build a trusted team and delegate work. Know your limitations and take time away from the business to regenerate and innovate.


Ronn Cordova

Ronn Cordova joined The Maids – the only franchised residential cleaning service to clean for health, combining environmentally preferable cleaning supplies and state-of-the-art equipment with a methodical process to maintain the healthiest living environment possible for families – in 2011 and holds the role of Vice President of Franchise Development. A franchise industry veteran with more than 20 years experience, Cordova’s expertise and enthusiasm provides vision and direction for the continued growth of The Maids franchise system.