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[Sponsored] Building Lasting Relationships: Santander


One of the greatest difficulties in business is getting funding – whether it is landing sufficient investment to get your startup idea off the ground, or obtaining a sizable enough loan in order to finance that expansion plan to take your growing business to the next level. Far too many entrepreneurs miss out on great business opportunities as a result, some of which could make or break them. That’s one of the reasons why it’s extremely heartwarming to hear the real success stories of entrepreneurs who manage to beat the odds in getting funding.

We’ve certainly enjoyed Santander UK Corporate & Commercial’s video channel that celebrates the successes of their customers, those stories of triumphing over challenges thrown one’s way – like Santander helped a childcare nursery brand overcome financial constraints that were restricting its growth, or when it lent its support to allow the restoration of a railway hotel to its former glory. And if you’re a business person, you’ll recognize and identify with some of the challenges faced by the entrepreneurs faced in the video series, whether it is future-proofing the family business or investing in new technology.

And much of that, it seems, comes from the financial services company building the relationships with their customers so that they understand their needs as they journey from business infancy to ultimate success. After all, entrepreneurs don’t want to spend all their time seeking funding when they should be spending that time on building and growing their business.

We’re certainly looking forward to more episodes added to the channel.

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