Home Others How To Incorporate Diversity Into Your Recruitment Strategy

[Infographic] How To Incorporate Diversity Into Your Recruitment Strategy


Many employers may focus their efforts on hiring a team with similar mentalities, educational histories, or skills knowledge. But a diverse team offers varying perspectives and a multitude of skillsets — often equating to better performance, a great brand image, and growth in an organization.

Earlier we looked at how human resource practitioners could look at how to incorporate diversity in workplaces, and one of the best ways to do it is to start at the recruitment stage.

Already more than 85 percent of companies are taking measures to hire more women and candidates of different color to stay competitive and current in the market. And consider this: 81% of companies plan to focus on recruiting diverse candidates in 2014 and 36.7% of companies plan to reserve intern spots for diverse students in 2014. Yet more can be done – only 13% of companies have a diversity and inclusion manager, despite diversity being a core goal

Here’s an infographic from online intern matching platform InternMatch that showcases how you can incorporate diversity into your recruitment strategy: