Home Advice For The Young At Heart The Upstart’s Guide To Boosting A Firm’s Sex Appeal

The Upstart’s Guide To Boosting A Firm’s Sex Appeal


Sex sells.

From Calvin Klein and Victoria’s Secret to Coca-Cola and Pepsi, the world’s biggest brands spend millions of dollars each year sexing up their goods in the quest for market dominance.

However, if your firm flogs screwdriver handles or kitchen cleaning products, you’d be forgiven for thinking there’s not much wriggle room to increase your appeal to a wider audience.

Dead wrong, buddy.

There are actually several steps your company can take to show a sexier side – and it needn’t necessarily involve stripping off and donning a sandwich board to advertise your wares.

Instead, as a business owner, your credibility, authority and value (not to mention your modesty) should remain intact by taking control of other attributes to leave your customer’s panting for more.

Here’s how:

Trim Your Bush.

There’s nothing worse than turning up to a business meeting and being confronted with premises that look like the aftermath of the Battle of Stalingrad. Consequently, it’s a shrewd plan to invest in commercial landscaping to ensure the exterior of your business is as attractive as Brad Pitt offering you a handful of cash and a rub of his hair.

Don’t Be Selfish.

If you have merchandise that can be given away as a sample – whether at a trade show or market – it instantly boosts your sex appeal with a potential customer. After all, people love something for nothing, and once they get their hands on your product, they’ll be begging their wife, husband or lover to make sure they’re never without it for long.

Loosen Your Collar.

This tip depends on the business you’re in, of course, but even the stuffiest of industries require firms that are easy to talk to, affable and willing to think outside the box in order to deliver satisfaction. This doesn’t mean turning up to meetings in a clown suit, but rather seeing your customers as human beings opposed to pound signs.

Get Engaged.

Figuratively speaking, it’s important to get engaged with your customers via the major social media sites, in the hope of sparking a two way conversation. In business, there’s nothing worse than honking your corporate message into the existential void, so give your customers something to cling on to and reason to respond, or you’re in danger of becoming the spurned one in the relationship.

Stay On Top.

Whether your business has been around for 60 years or 60 minutes, it’s absolutely crucial you move with the times lest you’re cut adrift and left to sink faster than that bloke from Titanic. Keep on top of what’s hot in your industry. Have something to say. Make sure your website and logo represent your company’s vibe – and don’t be afraid to rebrand if necessary.