Home Others Do Interns Secretly Run The World’s Largest Tech Companies?

[Infographic] Do Interns Secretly Run The World’s Largest Tech Companies?


Of course we don’t mean that the world’s top technology businesses are being run by their interns, but what many of us may not realize is that most CEOs of the world’s largest companies have actually spent time as interns before. Did you know, for example, that a 17-year old Bill Gates, today the world’s richest man, once spent a summer running around as a page for the US House of Representatives? Or that CEO of Xerox Ursula Burns – the first black woman to lead a Fortune 500 company – worked as a summer intern at Xerox when she was 22?

In fact, it does seem that working as an intern does give you a leg up if you’re later looking for a more permanent role at the company. And it certainly helps that many forward-looking companies recognize the upsides of a good internship program, with many – like Apple and Facebook – offering an excellent remuneration package and perks for interns that make them the choice of job seekers.

Here’s an infographic from WhoIsHostingThis.com that shows you what some of our leading CEOs and celebrities have been as interns before, what interns do and some of the perks offered to interns today: