Home Advice For The Young At Heart 10 Hot Job Titles That Barely Existed Five Years Ago

[Infographic] 10 Hot Job Titles That Barely Existed Five Years Ago


We know that new careers being invented every day due to the evolution of the workplace as well as technological innovations that can totally disrupt entire industries.

Think about the iOS developer, the big data architect, the UX/UI designer, social media intern or even the zumba instructor – these are incredibly popular jobs today seeing explosive growth that just five years back saw a bare handful of people with such job titles. Online professional networking site LinkedIn looked at the top 10 most popular job titles that were nowhere to be found in 2008, and found fitness and technology to be the biggest drivers for these fascinating changes.

Consider the iOS developer, with 12,634 members listing it on LinkedIn as their job title currently; but ‘big data architect’ was the fastest growing job title, with 3,440 members listing it currently versus none in 2008.

So forget about futuristic jobs that barely exist, here’s an infographic from LinkedIn that looks at the 10 hottest job titles today that did not exist five years back. Think about that when you’re considering your next career move.