Home Others Business Apps That Are Changing The Way People Transact

Business Apps That Are Changing The Way People Transact


Apps have changed many aspects of our day to day lives. Whether we are sending selfies on Instagram or catching up on our favorite iPod podcast, apps are essential for keeping us in touch and entertained. But, they are also increasingly transforming the way that we conduct business. An advanced mobile operating system like iOS for the iPhone can literally give us the power of an office in our pocket.

Here we will look at some of the apps that are changing the way that people do business:


Evernote is a free app which allows you to take notes and access them across all of the devices that you use. This free app is great for keeping your work day organized, making to do lists, recording ideas and objectives and generally making yourself more productive. Evernote doesn’t just let you write notes to yourself. You can also use Evernote to store photos, create a voice reminder or make lists. All of the notes that you make for yourself are searchable from any device you are using which makes access them later very easy.


The square register app is like putting a cash register in your pocket. The app allows you to accept credit cards and run your business from wherever you are. Using the square app you can accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discovery. You can do this all for just 2.75% per transaction and the funds will be able in one to two business days. Square also recently removed the holding period for credit card numbers which are entered in manually allowing you to quickly accept payments over the phone. Best of all there are no monthly fees or other obligations.

Card Munch.

Despite the overwhelming popularity of smart phones, most business people still use business cards. The app created by LinkedIn allows you to easily and quickly convert a physical business card into digital details for your address book and adds them as a LinkedIn connection. The transcribing is performed by real people not a computer program so you can be sure that it is accurate. And a photo of the card is kept as a backup just in case.

The right apps can make a big difference in simplifying your business life. And as apps like Square Register demonstrate they are helping to solve problems that were major stumbling blocks for businesses in the past. Above are three of the most useful apps currently available, what apps are making the biggest difference for your business?