Home Resources Making PayPal Work for Your Business

Making PayPal Work for Your Business


How much do you know about PayPal? If you’re a business owner, it’s time to get familiar with the website and the features it has to offer.

Find out how to use PayPal to improve your online business with some tips below:

Online or Offline, Take Your Business Anywhere.

Why choose between and online business or an in-store business when you can have both? PayPal makes it easy to take your business anywhere. PayPal Here allows you to take payments from customers anywhere, using your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. A small card reader is all you need to take payments. The information is processed on your mobile device and you can complete your sale. That information is then stored in your PayPal account, along with the information from sales made online.

Offer Safety and Security for Customers.

Now that the threat of identity theft is a very real possibility, it’s no surprise that many people are hesitant about entering personal information online. Most people won’t feel comfortable with giving their credit card information to a company on a website that they aren’t familiar with. PayPal can serve as your security team when taking online payments. Customers can rest assured that their information is protected when they look at PayPal’s Seller Protection Policy.

Take the Stress Out of Paperwork.

Handling administrative tasks and paperwork is a necessary task, but not something that many people look forward to. PayPal can help to make the job easier. When you take all of your business payments through the PayPal button and mobile card reader, you’ll be able to easily keep track of the information for your records. Use the invoice management tool to keep track of both paid and unpaid invoices. Your PayPal statements will give you a record of money coming in and going out of your account. With all of your information in one location, PayPal takes some of the pressure off of you.

Advertise Your PayPal Partnership.

PayPal is a recognizable name that lets customers know that they’re using a trusted service. When you let customers know that your business uses PayPal as a payment option, you’ll find that more customers will be willing to make purchases through your website. A simple PayPal logo in the corner and a buy it now button will give customers peace of mind when it’s time to checkout. If you choose to give customers the option of using the bill me later feature, you can also add a ready made banner to your site. The banner will let visitors know about the financing option that may draw more interest from potential customers.

Go Mobile with PayPal.

As technology continues to improve, more and more people are beginning to use their smartphones for everyday tasks. From checking email to doing banking, smartphones are making life easier for consumers. Get in on the action of going mobile when you use PayPal for your business. Using PayPal for your business checkout automatically gives the option of taking mobile payments. When customers visit your business website on their mobile devices, they’ll be able to make purchases with a simple click, just as they would if they were using a computer.

Don’t Wait, Get Your Money Now.

With many services, there’s a waiting game involved. PayPal takes away wait times and gives you your money instantly. Don’t worry about waiting for payments to be processed and verified. PayPal’s seller protection will ensure that you’ll be covered in the case of an unauthorized purchase. Whether customers purchase from your website, from a mobile phone, or in person with a mobile card reader, the money will automatically go into your account.


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