Home Ideaspotting Lensmob Organizes Group Photos Using Email

Lensmob Organizes Group Photos Using Email


Creating and managing a photo album for a group of people can be somewhat tedious. Some of us may be familiar with the pain of collecting photos from those who have attended a certain event – a wedding, industry conference or networking session – and then sharing with everyone else. It’s not fun, and usually takes a lot of time. But here’s a rather simple and neat idea to do it – Lensmob.

Many would argue there are plenty of solutions already out there that allows the management of photos. That is, of course, true. However many of those solutions require people of that group to each create an account, install an app or otherwise jump through similar digital hoops, which often raises the barrier of entry when it comes to participation in group photo albums.

Lensmob (https://lensmob.com/), founded by three Internet startup veterans – Bryan Byrne, Neil Kumar and Rhett Garber – who first met at online directory service Yelp, gets around that by the simple use of email. Each Lensmob photo album is provided a unique email address chosen by the album creator (such as danielsbirthday@lensmob.com), and members of that group simply add photos by sending them via email to the corresponding Lensmob email address. The album can be viewed, shared or exported by anyone with the album URL, making it simple for all parties to enjoy group memories, e.g. weddings, birthdays, etc. You can build a group album together regardless of how members are connected on social networks.

Yup, now you don’t have to add that creepy guy on Facebook just to share photos with him.