Home Ideaspotting Notabli Lets Parents Show Kids Off To Close Friends And Relatives

Notabli Lets Parents Show Kids Off To Close Friends And Relatives


Kids can be cute and all, but don’t we all hate it when friends flood their Facebook walls with photos, videos and other similarly annoying updates of their children. every. single. damned. day? We don’t need to see what you newborn just poo-ed, thank you very much.

Socially responsible and considerate parents may want to consider using Notabli (http://notabli.com/), an online and mobile application that lets parents easily capture, save, and share their kids’ notable moments with those they love (and not everyone on your Facebook list). It works like micro-blogging service Tumblr, except targeted specifically at parents.

Private by default, nobody can see a kid’s moments on Notabli unless they are invited by a parent – so be it a video of their first ever tottering steps, a timeless photo of your previous one peeing in a most spectacular fashion ever, your gushing comments on how cute their tiny toes are, can be limited to just your close friends and relatives. At this point it’s probably prudent to add that all content is owned by the parents who posted them.

Of course, Notabli offers the option to allow cross-posting to Twitter and Facebook, but I think I speak behalf of all humanity that you may want to not turn your none-so-close friends off that way.

Free-to-use, Notabli is currently available for iOS on iTunes and will be rolled out to other operating systems and devices in due time. A premium plan option with additional features is also in the works.