Home In the News Networking And Learning New Skills More Important Than Pay Raise: Singaporeans

[Singapore] Networking And Learning New Skills More Important Than Pay Raise: Singaporeans


Money makes the world go round, but it may not be the most important thing when it comes to professional careers. In fact, according to a recent study by online professional network LinkedIn, networking and learning new skills trumped getting a raise for Singaporean professionals when it comes to their career goals.

The study surveyed 450 professionals in Singapore in regards to the top professional goals people want to achieve in 2013, and found that 85% of Singaporean professionals surveyed actually plan to make a New Year resolution related to their professional life/career in 2013.  This is up from the 67% who did last year,  and in contrast to how only 54% of them make New Year resolutions in general.

The findings revealed that  the top five professional goals that Singaporeans want to achieve in 2013 are:

1.   Professional development through learning new skills (50 per cent)

2.    Network more or build more professional relations  (50 per cent)

3.    Get promoted or move into a leadership role (39 per cent)

4.    Get a new job or career (36 per cent)

5.    Get a pay raise (34 per cent)

“With Singapore’s weak economic growth and an uncertain job market heavy on the minds of many professionals, some of us may be surprised that getting a new job or a pay raise ranked lower than learning new skills and building professional connections,” says Chan Ngee Key, Career Coach & Strategist at YourOwn360.

“Yet, Singaporeans are exactly right, because strengthening our capabilities is key to ensuring we stay competitive even in a downturn. Similarly, networking helps you be in a position to win and be in with contacts who can be a source of new job opportunities, new clients, and even new partners.”

What do I think? I think just 15% of those surveyed are truthful.


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