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[Infographic] Why Employees Leave Your Company


Facing high employee turnover and no idea why?

There are many reasons why employees leave: too heavy a workload, lack of career advancement or promotion opportunities, or even unrealistic job expectations. In fact, many of the reasons cited by employees when they leave are down to factors you can actually control. Ultimately, 1 in 2 of them leave because they just don’t feel that they are being valued at the job.

And employee turnover can cost a company. Do you know that for each low wage employee – those earning around $8 per hour – that leaves, it can cost a company around $5,500? It adds up.

Here’s an infographic (created for BOLT Insurance by Infographic World) that gives light on the reasons that employees leave a company, so you can create a better work environment and manage employee turnover:

Biggest Reasons Employees Leave Your Company
[Via: BOLT Insurance]


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