Home Others How Small Businesses Get Funding

[Infographic] How Small Businesses Get Funding


One of the greatest challenges faced by entrepreneurs is raising sufficient funds to start, continue or even expand the business. Whether it’s finding the cash through your own pocketbook, obtaining a loan from a bank, or approaching investors, without money it’s near impossible to get on the road to success.

If this is a challenge you face, you may want to know around 31-percent of small business owners actually borrow money from friends and family. About 75-percent of young companies fund themselves through bank loans and credit lines (maxing out credit cards, for example). Only 1 in 10 companies don’t ever ask for capital injection.

Here’s an infographic from BOLT Insurance that outlines some of the numbers surrounding how small businesses obtain funding:

FOllow The Money:How Small Businesses Get Funding
[Via: BOLT Insurance]


  1. Big fan of crowdfunding platforms as a way to make partners of builders and their customers. Increasingly it seems like the need will be for tools that enable 1) fraud protection and 2)better opportunity discovery. One thing : i think the infographic meant to say $2.8 BILLION not trillion, ya?

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