Home In the News 75% of Employed Americans Are Seeking Another Job: Jobvite

[Infographic] 75% of Employed Americans Are Seeking Another Job: Jobvite


Employers, be warned – behind that smiling facade, your employee may not be as contented with her job as you think she is. In fact, according to recruiting software provider Jobvite‘s annual Social Job Seeker Survey, up to 75-percent of Americans currently employed may be actively seeking another job.

Sure, it’s understood that employees all want a better deal in our careers, but this number is considerably higher than the 66-percent in 2011. In many cases, it’s down to over-qualification – about 41-percent feel that they are currently over-qualified for their current roles.

The downside is that they feel far less optimistic about landing another job, much less a better one – about 34-percent of respondents are less optimistic about finding the right job than they were last year.

Here’s an infographic that shows the survey results in detail: