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[Infographic] Social Media Vs Salary


And social media wins.

That’s right – many young professionals and college graduates actually admit that they would sacrifice salary and attractive employment opportunities for social media and technology freedom.

62-percent of Generation Y confess that they cannot live without the Internet, and 1 in 3 actually say that the Internet is as important to them as air, food, shelter and water. That’s pretty insane.

But there’s more.

49-percent of students in China say an employer’s social media policy would be a key factor in their job acceptance decision, while in India it’s 41-percent (it’s just 22-percent in the US).

What should be important for recruiters and HR folks to note is that 29-percent of young college students say they would prioritize social media freedom and device flexibility over salary. 27-percent would accept a job offer with restrictions but still attempt to access their social media outlets.

Here’s an infographic that shows you more:
Social Media vs. Salary

[Via OnlineCollegeCourses.com]