Home Others Why Mobile Ads In Emerging Markets Are The Future

[Infographic] Why Mobile Ads In Emerging Markets Are The Future


Mobile marketing is big, and is set to grow bigger – but more so in emerging markets.

The next billion” will come from the emerging markets such as Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. The size of the global middle class is projected to increase from 1.8 billion people to 3.2 billion by 2020, and accompanying this increase in size is a rise in middle class spending from $21 trillion today to $51 trillion in 2030. The new middle class consumption in developing Asia by 2030 will be greater than the consumption of every middle class consumer on Earth today. In tandem with such growing wealth will be telecommunications infrastructure, and mobile adoption.

Hence it’s not surprising that marketers are increasingly looking to target that growing global middle class, eschewing New York for New Delhi, and Berlin for Beijing. Here’s an infographic by research and marketing company JANA that shows why mobile marketers should focus on emerging markets: