Home Resources 25 Twitter Chats For Valuable Career Advice

25 Twitter Chats For Valuable Career Advice


While some lucky college students find work right away, for most others, the idea of hitting the job market after graduation is a little intimidating if not downright scary. With competition tough and opportunities limited, finding a job can be difficult. Yet, students and recent grads shouldn’t lose hope: finding a great job is possible even in this market, especially when you get a little help from those who know what it takes to get hired. While career counselors at your school can be a great source of information, grads can also seek out guidance on their own through a wide range of career-focused Twitter chats. Here, we’ve listed some of the best get-togethers on Twitter for learning about everything from resume writing to working with recruiters to scoring a killer internship and just about everything in between.

  1. #jobhuntchat

    If you’re looking for help in your job hunt, this chat offers some of the best advice out there on filling out applications, interviewing, and the entire job hunt process. Join in every Monday at 10 p.m. EST.

  2. #HFChat

    Hire Friday Chat, or HFChat, connects HR professionals, employers, recruiters, coaches, and resume writers with job hunters. Use some of these resources to your own advantage by listening in every Friday at noon EST.

  3. #careerchat

    This chat is geared toward college students or recent grads, making it the perfect choice for those who feel they need a little guidance in making the transition between campus and career. The chat is held every Tuesday at 1 p.m. EST.

  4. #CareerSavvy

    Join the Vestiigo.com team in this chat, held Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. EST, to learn more about how to find work or advance an existing career.

  5. #CareerSuccess

    Held on Mondays at 8 p.m. EST, this chat draws off of the weekly podcasts of Career Success Radio, touching on everything from social media etiquette to selling yourself in an interview.

  1. #hirefriday

    If graduation is on the horizon, it’s probably not too soon to start looking for work. Get some help in this all-day chat held every Friday.

  2. #LinkedInChat

    Are you making the most of LinkedIn to get career advice and opportunities? Learn more about the service and what it can offer you in this weekly chat held on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EST.

  3. #InternPro

    Internship resource YouTern hosts this weekly chat (Mondays at 9 p.m. EST) to offer college students a chance to learn more about finding internships, networking, mentoring, and other parts of the career preparation process.

  4. #U30Pro

    Head to this chat to join other young professionals (it’s geared toward those under 30, but all ages are welcome) as they discuss a wide range of career issues. Just log on to Twitter Thursday nights at 7 EST to add your two cents.

  5. #tchat

    Wednesdays at 7 p.m. EST you can head online to learn more about HR, recruiting, career coaching, marketing, social media, and more from those who work in the industry. It’s intended for professionals in the field but can be enlightening for job hunters as well.

  1. #speakchat

    Improving your public speaking skills can be useful no matter what field you’re going into, and you can get help and advice on doing just that every Monday at 9 p.m. EST.

  2. #InternChat

    Need a few internships to fill out your resume and get experience? Learn more about what it takes to get hired and make the most of any internship on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. EST.

  3. #jobseekersm

    If you’re reading this list you’re obviously interested in learning how to use social media to find work and advance your career, but this chat focuses in very specifically on that topic. Chat it up with experts in the field every Tuesday at 7 p.m. EST.

  4. #CBJobChat

    Held the first Monday of each month at 8 p.m. EST, this chat is managed by Career Builder and focuses on some of the biggest career-related topics important to job hunters and those looking to advance or start a career.

  5. #GenYJobs

    Are you part of Gen Y? Are you interested in finding a job? Then this chat’s for you! Head to Twitter on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST every other week for chats with other Gen Y-ers about finding work, getting ahead, and much more.

  1. #gmuchat

    Held twice a week, this chat covers topics like career, college, and social media. It’s catered toward those with disabilities who might have a harder time finding work, but anyone can benefit from this great George Mason College chat.

  2. #LeadNow

    Develop your leadership skills, get career advice, and find resources for professional development when you join in on this Millennial-focused chat. Pay attention, though: it seems conservative candidate Newt Gingrich might have co-opted this hashtag.

  3. #MPACEChat

    Make time on the first Friday of the month for this chat (held at 1 p.m. EST) geared toward helping college students transition into the working world. You’ll get a chance to talk with recruiters and career center professionals about all of your career concerns.

  4. #GenYchat

    Join others from your generation in discussing a wide range of topics every Wednesday night at 9 EST, including career issues, all with a Gen Y take.

  5. #MillennialChat

    Want some career guidance from others in your age group? Participating in this weekly chat (Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. EST) can be one way to get advice and answers to your career questions.

  1. #leadershipchat

    Striving to be a better leader will serve you well throughout your career, and it’s a great idea to start getting a great foundation now. Get insights into leadership, management, communication, and more from this chat held Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EST.

  2. #ResuChat

    If your resume isn’t looking as sharp as it could, join in this chat to get tips and tools that can make it much easier to find a job.

  3. #smmanners

    Social media is a fact of life for job hunters and young professionals today, so it’s essential that you know how to use it well and with the appropriate decorum, both of which you’ll learn by joining this chat on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST.

  4. #mwchat

    Monster is often a go-to site for those looking for both job listings and career advice, and through this Twitter chat, you’ll be able to connect with experts at the site in real time.

  5. #NextChat

    Direct your Twitter account to this hashtag on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. EST for commentary on HR, recruiting, social media, and more.


This article was first posted in OnlineCollege.