Home Professionalisms 50 Blogs That Will Make You A Better Manager

50 Blogs That Will Make You A Better Manager


When you’ve made it to the management level, it’s tempting to think that you’re in a comfortable position where you don’t have much room for improvement. But while you may be a great manager now, there is always the possibility of becoming a better one, if only you just know how. These blogs offer a look into great ideas for growing and improving in your role as a manager, creating a better workplace and getting more results from the people you manage. Get inspired by these 50 blogs, listed in no particular order, that can show you where you’re doing a great job already, and where you might be able to improve a bit.

  1. Better Managers Blog

    Read about better management from experts on this blog that seeks to take managers from ordinary to extraordinary. You’ll find a Better Managers Series that offers six posts specifically targeted with tasks to make any manager work better at what they do. (Recommended Post: Task and Compliance Management)

  2. Chief Happiness Officer

    Alexander Kjerulf explains how you can cultivate happiness as a leader on the Chief Happiness Officer blog. (Recommended Post: Why secret salaries are a baaaaaad idea)

  3. The Manager’s Office

    Hospitality managers can find great ideas and insight for improvement through this blog. (Recommended Post: Seven Habits to Avoid in Order to Be a Better Restaurant Manager)

  4. Agile Management

    On this blog, you’ll read about great ideas for becoming a more agile manager. (Recommended Post: The Mojito Method)

  5. Welcome to Trendy Management

    Follow the latest trends in management and improvement for managers on Trendy Management. (Recommended Post: How Can a Manager Help Somebody Improve?)

  6. Work Matters

    Bob Sutton’s blog discusses examples in good management and bad management alike. (Recommended Post: Sometimes the best management is no management at all)

  7. The Happy Manager

    The Happy Manager is a great resource to check out and read to learn how to be happier and more satisfied as a manager. (Recommended Post: Shaping Change Positively)

  8. Weekly Leader

    Follow Weekly Leader to find the latest in leadership news and best practices for improvement. (Recommended Post: Born/Made – Yes!)

  9. The Agile Executive

    This blog offers great advice for transforming yourself into a lean and mean manager. (Recommended Post: Reflections on Due Diligence)

  10. The Cranky Middle Manager

    If you’re a cranky middle manager, check out this blog to find out how you can get beyond the frustration and become a better manager. (Recommended Post: Just Ask for What You Want)

  11. Leading Blog

    This blog is building a community of leaders, with great posts on leading views and ideas. (Recommended Post: 12 Reasons You Will Be a Better Leader This Year)

  12. Positive Organizational Behavior

    On Bret L. Simmons’ blog, you can find out about how you can improve to bring about positive organizational behavior. (Recommended Post: Leaders Are Master Learners)

  13. Management by Baseball

    This blog explores why baseball managers can sometimes be better role models for management than corporate heroes, and you can learn from their examples through this blog. (Recommended Post: Management by Wishful Thinking)

  14. The Accidental IT Leader

    Find strategies for effective IT management on The Accidental IT Leader. (Recommended Post: 2 Rules for Being a Better IT Manager Boss)

  15. Managing Blogging

    Read about management tactics and strategies you can use to become a better manager on this blog. (Recommended Post: How to Be a Better Manager in 10 Minutes a Day)

  16. Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog

    Become a better manager by staying curious, reading the Curious Cat management improvement blog. (Recommended Post: Trust But Verify)

  17. Jamie Flinchbaugh

    Read Jamie Flinchbaugh’s blog about transformational leadership to find out how you can get to your ideal state as a manager. (Recommended Post: The CEO Can’t Champion Everything)

  18. Evolving Excellence

    Find Kevin Meyer and Bill Waddell’s thoughts on lean enterprise leadership on the Evolving Excellence blog to find out how you can execute a lean enterprise strategy to become a better manager. (Recommended Post: Privilege should lead to responsibility)

  19. Ask a Manager

    Allison Green shares her raw thoughts about management, and how managers can improve on Ask a Manager. (Recommended Post: You are High Maintenance and Full of Yourself)

  20. Time Back Management

    This blog discusses personal productivity, lean manufacturing, and how you as a manager can help improve both. (Recommended Post: When you can see it, you can manage it)

  21. CNN Money: Management and Career

    Become a better manager by being a more informed one, reading this blog for the latest in management news. (Recommended Post: Can introverts succeed in business?)

  22. Managing Leadership

    Senior executives can find ideas for better managing leaders through this blog. (Recommended Post: Fertile Imaginations)

  23. Never Mind the Manager

    Find out how you can take good employees and make them great ones with posts from Never Mind the Manager. (Recommended Post: The Rule of a Micromanager)

  24. The Enlightened Manager

    Get smart about management from Cheri Baker’s blog, sharing posts on dysfunctional teams, goal setting, and more. (Recommended Post: Expecting Excellence)

  25. Management Skills Blog

    Check out the Management Skills blog to develop your managerial leadership practices. (Recommended Post: Do Not Sit Silent)

  26. Extreme Leadership

    Find out how you can take your management to a new, more extreme level on Steve Farber’s blog. (Recommended Post: Passion or Work Ethic?)

  27. The Recovering Leader

    Develop as a manager by becoming more self aware with The Recovering Leader. (Recommended Post: Self-test: Doing and Being at Your Best at Work)

  28. iSixSigma

    On this blog, you’ll find Six Sigma resources for change and growth as a better manager. (Recommended Post: Value Proposition vs. Productivity)

  29. Linked2Leadership

    This group blog offers wisdom from a global group of professionals, all writing to help you grow as a leader and manager. (Recommended Post: Leadership Transitions: How Not to Fail)

  30. Time Leadership

    Combine time management and leadership learning on this blog from Jim Estill. (Recommended Post: The Trust Edge)

  31. Rich’s Management Blog

    Rich shares this blog to show you how to help others succeed, pointing out great books, bad managers, and interesting features that can help you grow. (Recommended Post: Want to be a better manager?)

  32. Management Craft

    Follow the Management Craft blog for discussions on the state of the art of business management, and how it can be improved. (Recommended Post: Managers, Are You Telling Too Many Stories?)

  33. Leadership and Management

    Read this blog to see how you can improve as a manager by turning adversity to advantage. (Recommended Post: Motivated by Failure)

  34. Management Excellence

    Read about professional development as a manager on the Management Excellence blog, plus the blog’s regular podcast, The Leadership Caffeine. (Recommended Post: Mind the Decision Traps)

  35. Discover 6 Sigma

    Find online Six Sigma resources on Discover 6 Sigma, learning about the science behind breakthrough improvements and how you can develop these breakthroughs as a manager. (Recommended Post: Six Sigma Basics)

  36. You’re Not the Boss of Me

    You’re Not the Boss of Me examines the fundamentals of effective leadership and explains some mistakes you may be making as a leader. (Recommended Post: When Leaders Lose Sight of Their Primary Purpose)

  37. Sonar6

    Sonar6 offers online performance management solutions, and as such, has great insight into how managers can more effectively use their employees, with posts that will help you get the results you’re looking for. (Recommended Post: How Angry Birds Made Me a Better Manager)

  38. Process Excellence Network

    Process Excellence Network delivers articles about streamlining every process that you oversee as a manager, including change management, business process management, and operational excellence. (Recommended Post: Innovation in Practice)

  39. Manage Better Now

    Manage Better Now shares common sense insight into becoming a better manager, sharing ideas about delegating, charisma, and how to stop rewarding bad behavior. (Recommended Post: Developing Your Grit)

  40. Lead on Purpose

    Don’t just lead; lead on purpose with the help of this blog. (Recommended Post: Ten principles of effective leadership)

  41. Weaving Influence

    Becky Robinson’s blog will help you learn how to improve the way you influence people through everyday interactions. (Recommended Post: Leadership Influence)

  42. Great Leadership

    Check out Great Leadership to learn about leadership development and how you can grow as a manager. (Recommended Post: I’m Your Boss, Not Your Friend)

  43. Management-Issues

    Read the Management-Issues blog to find resources for changing to become a better manager, even in a changing workplace. (Recommended Post: Let Your Team Tell You What They Need)

  44. Business Wisdom

    Read the Business Wisdom blog to find “words to manage by,” and wisdom for becoming a better manager. (Recommended Post: Am I Kidding Me?)

  45. All Things Workplace

    Steve Roesler teaches managers practical ways to not just become extraordinary, but develop others to become extraordinary as well. (Recommended Post: Leadership: It Is About You)

  46. Six Sigma

    Check out Six Sigma for strategic management resources and formulas for helping to develop breakthrough innovations as a manager. (Recommended Post: The Six Sigma Way)

  47. Manage Fearlessly

    Managing others can be a frightful proposition, but this blog shares great ways to become a fearless manager. (Recommended Post: Resolve to Be a Better Manager in 2012)

  48. Swarm Creativity

    Managing creative types can be a challenge, but the Swarm Creativity blog offers insight for becoming a better manager in a creative setting and more. (Recommended Post: To Be a Better Manager Means Not to Be a Manager)

  49. Super Successful Manager

    Find success as a manager with the Super Successful Manager blog, featuring articles about delegation, people management, rapport, and more. (Recommended Post: 10 Things Better Managers Do On Their First Day)

  50. MoreSteam

    MoreSteam puts you in “the engine room of continuous improvement,” discussing how you can better develop and nurture talents in those you manage. (Recommended Post: Eradicating Nonsensical Terms)


This article was first posted on OnlineMBA.com.


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