Home Professionalisms What Leaders Can Learn From Tim Tebow

What Leaders Can Learn From Tim Tebow


By Mark Miller, co-author of “Great Leaders Grow: Becoming a Leader for Life

Some of you are Tim Tebow fans and some of you are not – got it. Regardless of your feelings, let’s not miss the chance to learn something here about leadership. Here are a few things I’ve observed watching Tebow this season that may help you on your leadership journey.

Leadership Matters.

Team sports require leadership. In the NFL, there is an expectation that the quarterback will provide that leadership. Business, ministry, government and academia are all TEAM SPORTS. If you are going to win, someone must lead. Tim provided leadership for the Broncos.

Passion Matters.

The intensity of the team is always a reflection of their leadership. If the leader is not passionate the team won’t be either. Tim gets this. This was a critical ingredient in 6 fourth quarter or overtime victories this season! How high is your passion for what you lead?

No Style Points on the Scoreboard.

Winning is the ultimate measuring stick in the NFL. Pretty or ugly, it doesn’t matter. Tim knew the goal was winning – not his QB rating. What does a win look like for your team? Is everyone on the same page?

Leadership is a Platform for Influence.

When you and I lead well, our influence will grow. What we do witth that influence matters. One of the things Tim does is host disabled young people to attend both home and away games. He says that it inspires HIM to see their courage and helps him keep the game in perspective. How will you steward your influence?

Skills Still Matter.

Tim has a lot to learn as an NFL quarterback. His skills are not where they need to be.  Heart, passion and drive are huge – but insufficient over the long haul without the skills. Tim knows that. That’s why he’s so excited about the off-season. He plans to grow before next year. What’s your plan to grow this year?

Tim Tebow is not perfect – as a football player or as a human being. However, I know he can teach me a lot about leadership. I look forward to learning from him for years to come.


Mark Miller, co-author of “Great Leaders Grow: Becoming a Leader for Life“, is vice president, training and development, for Chick-fil-A. During his career he has served in corporate communications, restaurant operations, quality and customer satisfaction, and numerous other leadership positions. He began his Chick-fil-A career in 1977 working as an hourly team member. He is the author of “The Secret of Teams” and the coauthor of “The Secret“.