Home Advice For The Young At Heart Inside The Minds Of A Millennial Employee: Mercer

[Video] Inside The Minds Of A Millennial Employee: Mercer


Here’s an insightful yet provocative video into the minds of the Millennial Generation, also known as Generation Y, in the workforce. The video is put together with the findings from a survey by global human resource and financial consultancy firm Mercer, which was conducted among nearly 30,000 employees in 17 markets worldwide from Q4 2010 to Q2 2011.

The findings reveals a definitive change in the mindsets of young workers; interestingly, for example, the youngest employee demographic tends to be the most satisfied with their jobs and organizations, yet are the most likely (almost 50-percent) to seriously contemplating leaving their employers now.

Their priorities are very different too – watch the video to find out more:

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