Home Others The Key To Internet Startup Success? Willingness To Learn.

[Infographic] The Key To Internet Startup Success? Willingness To Learn.


We’ve seen earlier two infographics from Silicon Valley technology startup accelerator Blackbox’s Startup Genome Report that showcase the various stages of the startup life cycle as well as the profile the different kinds of Internet startups and their success factors. The third (and final) infographic of this series from Blackbox and web analytics services company KISSmetrics shows us exactly how important an openness to learning and mentorship really is to an Internet startup.

The numbers don’t lie – those with mentors or follow though leaders in the startup space, as well as those who are bothered to track metrics, simply raise more money. There’s also some interesting miscellaneous findings given in the infographic as well:

Now that you’ve seen the findings Startup Genome Report in infographic form, are there any lessons here that you are likely to take away with to shape or grow your Internet startup with? Share with us in the comments below.