Home Ideaspotting Giving Back While Using Email With GiveBackMail

Giving Back While Using Email With GiveBackMail


We’ve seen how we can make a socially responsible enterprise out of a web hosting business, but what about email? The latest free email service to be launched, GiveBackMail (www.GiveBackMail.com), looks to do the same by donating to causes you care about every time you use email.

Launched earlier this week, the free service allows you to keep your current email address and still take advantage of features including sharing large files – up to 100MB, managing multiple accounts, previewing attachments and viewing all your social media feeds within your email platform. GiveBackMail was developed to empower people who want to help charities, but don’t have enough time or money to do so.

“People are looking to make a difference and we have provided email users with a way to give back even if they don’t have the resources available.  GiveBackMail empowers its users to make the world a better place by doing something they already do – using email,” says Rambod Yadegar, co-founder of of GiveBackMail. “Email is the most active area of Internet usage and in 2010 alone there were over 2.96 billion active email accounts, so we knew that going in this was an area we could make the biggest impact.”

“What really separates us from other email service providers is allowing our users to give back to the causes they care about most. Together, we can absolutely make a measurable, positive impact on the world,” he adds.

What I like about GiveBackMail is that it’s compatible with all major POP3/IMAP email providers – and for free too, unlike, ahem, Yahoo! – and allows you to keep your own email address.

Want to help provide meals for the hungry, clothes for the poor, shelter for the homeless or even funding for cancer research? Nominate your favorite cause now before May 31, 2011 at GiveBackMail.


  1. This looks like a really interesting social entrepreneuring project.  Thinking of trying it out?  Have you?  How’s the experience?

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