Home Feature Story Betterfly.com For A Better You

Betterfly.com For A Better You


Betterfly (www.betterfly.com) is a services matchmaking website that helps match people who want to learn, look and feel better with providers of self-improvement services. The site has over 1,000 different categories, ranging everything from pilates and dance instructors to tuition teachers and stylists.

Service providers, known as “Betterists”, can easily and quickly set up their own customizable profile pages, on which they can do many things such as promoting their qualifications, services, display special offers and payment policies, even provide real-time availability and online appointment booking. Providers can even upload resources such as instructional videos and lesson plans, as well as manage their own blogs.

Launched in May 2010 by Joshua Schwadron, New York-based Betterfly was set up to help users find personal service providers. “Most of the websites out there focus on larger business, but none that focuses on the people who power those businesses or the freelancers who work for themselves,” says Schwadron. “By catering to individuals instead of companies Betterfly enables users to compare apples to apples, people to people so individual service providers are not at a disadvantage against a company.”

“But as time went on, I learned that the frustrations personal service providers were experiencing were even more acute than mine. So Betterfly was created to try and help solve both groups’ frustrations.”

In less than a year, Betterfly has signed up tens of thousands of service providers who are use its service as their primary online presence. “We’ve gotten thousands and thousands of people new client leads just this month,” Schwadron says.

Being an entrepreneur has been wonderful, he adds. “Being accountable for the successes and failures of the company is something I enjoy. Betterfly is trying to tackle a problem that no company has successful tackled.”

“So the challenge is immense.”