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Get Real Time Opinions On Opinionaided.com


So you have a burning question you need answered. Where better to crowdsource an answer than on social media? You can try Facebook and Twitter, Yahoo! Answers, or even LinkedIn Answers for a more professional audience. There’s also Quora, the question-and-answer site that is currently all the hype.

Or you can try New York-based Opinionaided (www.opinionaided.com), a social application that lets you to use your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to get advice and opinions from others in real-time (an Android version is in the works).

Using Opinionaided is easy. Once you’ve downloaded the application and registered for an account, simply type in a question, pick an accompanying image, and opt a category – including Attractiveness, Art, Design & Photography, Dating & Relationships, Apps, Technology & Gadgets, Style & Fashion, Music, Movies & TV – and demographic for the question, and you’re set. To answer a question, simply comment, or rate with a thumbs up or thumbs down. Users can immediately see results to the question categorized by the percentage that responded positively or negatively, as well as listing all comments.

“We’re filling a pain point out there that hasn’t been solved by any other social media service, big or small. We’re delivering super-fast opinions to virtually any question on-the-fly, which has proven to be compel 50 million responses to about 600,000 questions,” says Opinionaided CEO Dan Kurani.

So how well has the application taken off? In a recent weekend they had 4m responses to 65,000 questions.  Since launch the app has had 50 million responses to 600,000 questions, a testament to user engagement and stickiness.

The startup also hit funding jackpot – Opinionaided announced that it has landed an additional seed round of $1 million from venture capitalists General Catalyst, SoftBank Capital and Draper Fisher Jurvetson, as well as additional angel funding from DeamIt Ventures’ Mark Wachen, Jonah Goodhart of Point Ventures Group and founding investor in Right Media, early advisor to Facebook and Coveroo CEO Karl Jacob, ENIAC Ventures and Vince Monical, former head of Emerging Platforms, Google among others.

This new round takes the company’s total funding to US$1.2 million.




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