If you’ve every wondered what Singapore’s best young minds are up to during their spare time, wonder no longer. Come find out on 18 September at Singapore Management University (SMU) School of Accountancy’s Ngee Ann Kongs auditorium, where Tertiary Tech Conference 2010 will be taking place.
The Tertiary Tech Conference (TTC) is an inaugural conference that aims to be the the gathering of the best projects and brightest talents from local tertiary institutions, and will feature many projects – focused around games, augmented reality and mobile applications – by tertiary students (check out the list of projects here). Its program will also feature a line-up of speakers who are industry veterans and experts in their own right.
If you are a tertiary student, an industry professionals, investor or just a plain tech geek, do check this event out. You can register for the event here. It costs just S$15 for students and S$25 for professionals.
We’ll see you there!
(Young Upstarts is a Tertiary Tech Conference (TTC) media partner.)
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