Home Events & Happenings The Spirit of Enterprise Is Calling

The Spirit of Enterprise Is Calling



When I first talked to Kelly Teo, Executive Director for The Spirit of Enterprise (SOE), I was surprised to know that SOE recognizes 30 entrepreneurs each year. Over the last eight years, SOE has recognized more 240 entrepreneurs, both small and medium enterprises (SMEs). With prominent board members including Richard Eu of Eu Yan Sang International, executive committee members such as IndoChine’s Michael Ma, and board of governors like AirAsia’s Tony Fernandes, it is easy to see why this award programme has been gaining its foothold in the young, entrepreneurial community.

The Spirit of Enterprise (SOE), a non-profit organization, is created to inspire Singaporean students and youths to become entrepreneurs. SOE interviews over 100 entrepreneurs, and engages more than 100 students from universities and polytechnics every year to run its awards program. Through this eight-year recognition platform, SOE identifies honourees with the outstanding entrepreneurial spirit.  In a practical way, SOE honors those young business persons who possess the greatest influencing effects.

Yearly honorees have continued to use SOE as their initial platform to gain publicity from subsequent media, and marketing efforts.  These honorees have also made their marks in SOE’s best-sellers – interviews are compiled to illustrate their entrepreneurial passion.

Nomination for 2010’s SOE Award Submission is Gathering Steam

SOE Awardees 2009
Spirit of Enterprise (SOE) awardees in 2009.

Currently, SOE is calling for nomination. In the same fashion as previous events, SOE’s Award Ceremony will identify 30 SMEs for its November 2010 event.  There is something new for the 8th year event – the organizer will introduce the new SOE Enterprise Award.

Criteria for SOE Enterprise Awards Candidates:

– Must be small to medium sized enterprises with more than five years’ operation

Last day to submit nomination is 15 July 2010. Please go here for more information.

For more information, please contact Kelly Teoh at kelly@soe.org.sg or 97639054.


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