It’s tough sorting through all that real-time online chatter in the form of tweets and such, but Santa Monica, California-based Sency believes its real-time search engine can help.
Proliferation of User-Generated Content
Sency is founded by Evan Britton, who was inspired when he went to the first-ever Twitter conference in Los Angeles eight months ago. It was where he learnt that Twitter gave out its data stream via its API and, with 50 million updates to Twitter daily, there is ‘a ton of data out there’.
Sency is built for the everyday Internet user in mind, according to Britton, for those who ‘want to search the real time web in a simple and easy manner’.
“User-generated content continues to become more prevalent across the web as more and more users post information online, explains Britton, who has been in Internet marketing for over ten years. “Such information has spawned ‘real-time search’ as a powerful way to navigate the web.” Traditional search engines scour the web for relevant websites, Britton points out, while real time search engines return the most recent conversations, comments, and links posted by online users.
Sency‘s two tabbed approach differentiates it from other similar services. One tab, “What’s Being Said’, lets users see what’s being said right now on any given topic. The other tab, Today’s Most Popular Links, shows you the most popular links today for any given keyword. Its homepage updates several times each day, giving users a quick idea of what topics and links are trending at that point in time.
You can find out more in this video:
Sency currently gets some 100,000 visitors per month, and looks set to grow further. To do that, Britton says it is important for them to keep the user in mind, and focus on improving the site. “(We need) to be able to get the word out to as many users as possible. And, the most important factor will be if users come back to Sency on their own – repeat visits and loyal users is how we can grow the site to the next level.” It recently launched language support in Spanish, German, French and Italian.
Views on Entrepreneurship

Britton has been an entrepreneur for several years, and over that period, he has learnt that absolute focus is a must. “You must focus on what you are trying to do. It takes both hard work and passion to truly make an impact with whatever you are trying to do,” he says.
Sency is fully bootstrapped.
Pretty cool! Although I’m kinda into Buzzdock for realtime search stuff
Cool site, great idea and I love that you actually acted on it and made it something awesome 🙂 seems to be down at the moment?
It’s back up now.
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