Home Events & Happenings It’s World Entrepreneurship Day on April 16

It’s World Entrepreneurship Day on April 16


WED Singapore

It’s officially World Entrepreneurship Day (WED) on 16th April 2010, and there will be an entire slew of activities taking place in 22 countries around the world participating in this 24-hour, worldwide celebration of entrepreneurship and innovation.

World Entrepreneurship Day (WED) aims to infuse entrepreneurial optimisim and remind the world that it is entrepreneurs who consistently and courageously led economies in recession back to prosperity i.e. save the world.

On this day, you’ll find individuals, high schools, universities, corporations and entrepreneurial organizations organizing activities on their own accord so do check out what’s happening in your country and participate if you can.

World Entrepreneurship Day in Singapore

In Singapore, WED is collaborating with youth leaders network ASEANpreneurs, NUS Centre of Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy and the NUS Business School for an entrepreneurship workshop on 17 April 2010. The workshop will feature speakers such as serial entrepreneur and chairman of Buy1Give1 Paul Dunn, as well as Adrian Tan of Antenna Consulting (we previous interviewed Adrian here).

You can find out more on WEDSingapore’s Facebook page, or register for the event here.




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