Home Professionalisms What You Can Learn From Lady Gaga

What You Can Learn From Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga, Grammy award winner for Best Electronic/Dance Album for The Fame. (Image courtesy of www.starpulse.com)

Plenty, it seems.

If you believe the hype, Lady Gaga is the savior of the modern world. Or at the very least, she represents the best in new thinking, digital-savviness and business smarts that the Wall Street Journal says will redefine the music industry. For sure, there’s a lot the rest of us can learn from the quirky glam rock star – calling her eccentric belittles her calculated, well-orchestrated image and clever market positioning – as well. 

Here’s what some people have wrote about Lady Gaga’s brilliance and the lessons we can glean:

First up, here are 10 things anyone can learn from Lady Gaga by Victor Niederhoffer over at Daily Speculations.

How about branding? According to Asi Sharabibrands can learn from Lady Gaga. Erik Olsen, as well, agrees that businesses should learn from Lady Gaga’s branding. If you’re a marketer, you won’t feel left out either. Advertising Age deems her a new media marketing genius. And how about 3 marketing lessons, courtesy of the Online Media Gazette?

Even leadership guru and celebrated author of “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” and “The Leader Who Had No Title“, Robin Sharma, has distilled 4 leadership lessons from the Grammy award winner. 

How about if you’re a startup? Sam Huleatt at Leveraging Ideas distills Niederhoffer’s points into ideas for startups, while Business Insider shares 5 things you can learn from her. If you’re specifically a tech startup, here’s yet another 5 things you should know from Jawkstrap.

Finally, you can learn from Lady Gaga even if you’re over 50 years old and looking for a job.

After all, everybody – an individual, or a brand – wants to be something people go gaga over.


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